

Quotations given for works prior commencement

A full estimating service for plumbing, heating building & mechanical services,

This can consist of your in house facilities or include specialist sub contractors, from bill of quantities, tender drawing take off’s, site visit own build ups, or design and build.


Our quotes can be itemised giving material quantities and labour allowances, sub contract costs and prelims allowed.


Tender cover letters to your client out-lining the inclusions and exemptions.



Quantity surveying

Quotation will be either quoted for an item of work or an hourly rate given


Either an optional follow-up from a quotation by ourselves or a service provided to one of your own quoted contracts we can offer

Material procurement

Sub contract procurement

Labour bonus targets

Interim valuations & applications

Variation costing, quoting & submissions

Site re-measures

Final accounts & submissions



Site supervision

Quotation will be either quoted for an item of work or an hourly rate given


Time served trades man with over 40 years experience mostly in a supervisory position.

Part time site supervision

Full time site supervision

H & S supervision

Sub contract supervision and coordination

Site sub contract programming with principle contractors program

Contact Me

Mobile: 07770 365776 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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